Welcome to our Help Site

Welcome to our help page. Here you will find the latest updates on shipping and customer service and our upcoming kit and release schedule. 

Subscription Schedule

We ship kits all around the world, and design without any reference to a particular month; so our kits can always be used in full regardless of when they are received. We also have a back catalog of available past kits, planner goodies, and digital/printable items which can be purchased while waiting for your subscription to start shipping


When you subscribe, you are billed in advance for a kit that is shipped approximately 4 weeks after the subscription window for that kit closes.

#Postcards Kit NamePreview StartSubscription WindowShipping Begins
93Postcard 01: Yodel27 February28 Feb - 27 Mar20 April
#Chapters Kit NamePreview StartSubscription WindowShipping Begins
78CH01: Loving Me25 Nov28 Nov - 27 DecShipped
79CH02: Forever Friends8 Jan28 Dec - 27 JanShipped
80CH03: Petal Palette8 Feb28 Jan - 27 FebShipped
81CH04: Butterfly Blooms8 Mar28 Feb - 27 MarShipped
82CH05: Showers and Flowers8 Apr28 Mar - 27 AprShipped
83CH06: Lakeside Reflections8 May28 Apr - 27 MayShipped
84CH07: Hot Summer Nights3 Jun28 May - 27 JunShipped
85CH08: Chasing the Sun24 Jun28 Jun - 27 JulyShipped
86CH09: Coming Home22 Jul28 July - 27 AugShipped
87CH10: Enchanted Evenings26 Aug28 Aug - 27 SepShipped
88CH11: Sweet Soiree23 Sep28 Sep - 27 OctShipped
89CH12: Winter Avenue28 Oct28 Oct - 27 NovShipped
90CH13: The Story of Us27 Nov28 Nov - 27 DecShipped
91CH14: Down the Rabbit Hole27 Dec28 Dec - 27 JanShipping
92CH15: Once Upon a Latte27 January28 Jan - 27 Feb22-23 March

Release Schedule

Preordering is an exciting way to be among the first to get your hands on our new designs. However, the nature of creating something new means that sometimes, unexpected delays can occur. While we always strive to factor in potential hiccups when estimating shipping dates, the timeframe from production to shipping can be fluid. Rest assured, we do our utmost to meet the timelines we promise. 

ReleaseCurrent Estimated Shipping Date
Release NamePreorders OpenCurrent Shipping ETA**
Heartfelt HolidaysNow availableShipping now

Sometimes email systems don't send out the required shipping updates so we've created this page so you can check back in if there are any delays