Chapters... The story so far

Welcome to 'Chapters', a fresh beginning in our journey together. We're so beyond excited to bring you an innovative approach to our range of goodies. 'Chapters' is more than a product; it's a jourrney and a narrative, a series of moments crafted to enrich your planning and journaling experience. Join us as we turn each page in this new chapter of creativity, self-expression and self-exploration.

Thank you so much for your love and support as we enter our seventh year of Planners Anonymous.
Sami and Team PA



Loving Me

Welcome to 'Chapters', a fresh beginning in our journey together.

We're so beyond excited to bring you an innovative approach to our subscription model. 'Chapters' is more than a product; it's a jourrney and a narrative, a series of moments crafted to enrich your planning and journaling experience. Join us as we turn each page in this new chapter of creativity, self-expression and self-exploration.

Thank you so much for your love and support as we enter our seventh year of Planners Anonymous.
Sami and Team PA

Moving, Yoga, Self Care

Check out the collection here



Forever Friends

Welcome back to 'Chapters', where our shared journey takes an exciting turn into rekindling old connections. As Chapter 2 unfolds we dive into the heartwarming theme of reuniting with old friends, taking a stroll down memory lane, and cherishing the bonds that tie us together.

As we turn the page to Chapter 2, dive into Alex's journey of reconnecting with her past and old friend, Aimee. Join them as they navigate through familiar territory, rekindling the bonds that time may have distanced.Don't miss out on the unfolding story as Alex and Aimee turn the pages of their past, setting the stage for a new chapter of shared experiences and uncharted adventures.Stay tuned for more reveals on their story in Chapter 2 - Forever Friends.

Friendship, Correspondence, Botanic Gardens, Nostalgia

Check out the collection here



Petal Palette

As we step into the third chapter of Alex's journey of self-discovery takes a colorful turn into the world of art, guided by the free-spirited Haylee.

In this chapter, Alex finds herself in Haylee's studio, a vibrant oasis where creativity flows as freely as the conversation. It's here, amid the easels, canvases, and the earthy scent of clay, that Alex is introduced to the transformative world of pottery—shaping, molding, and spinning raw material into something beautiful and unique.Alex and Haylee explore a variety of art forms, from painting on canvas to working with clay. It's a time to celebrate their growing friendship, their creative spirits, and the excitement of discovering new interests. As they delve into these artistic experiences, Alex not only gains a deeper appreciation for art but also uncovers more about her own identity. Each artwork they create together marks an important moment in Alex's journey towards self-discovery.Join us in Chapter 3 - Petal Palette, where the fusion of paint, friendship, and the tactile magic of pottery crafts a vivid backdrop for Alex's unfolding story, painting the path to new discoveries and connections.

Art, Pottery, Gardening

Check out the collection here



Butterfly Blooms

In Chapter 4 - Butterfly Blooms, Alex's adventure takes a whimsical turn at a butterfly conservatory, run by Betty, a friend of Aimee.

Here, amidst flutters of vibrant wings, the essence of friendship and discovery blooms. The girls delight in the beauty of the conservatory, a serene haven that mirrors Alex's own journey of transformation.
They indulge in the pleasures of a high tea, reveling in the warmth of shared stories and laughter, an experience that deepens their bonds. A surprise guest will bring a smile.
The chapter unfolds further with a girls' trip, enhancing the joy of their shared experiences.
Chapter 4 weaves together the themes of beauty, change, and the surprises life holds, marking a poignant moment in Alex's path towards self-discovery. This chapter encapsulates the essence of connection, both with nature and the people who make our stories richer.

Butterflies, High Tea, Girls Weekend

Check out the collection here



Showers and Flowers

In Chapter 5 - Showers and Flowers, Alex's journey of self-discovery takes a pivotal turn as she embraces the quiet introspection brought on by the changing weather.

Amidst the backdrop of relentless rain and the solitude of her apartment, Alex confronts the echoes of doubt and transformation that have trailed her. It's in this moment of vulnerability that she seeks the guidance of a therapist, Elani, who becomes a beacon of light in Alex's journey through the storm within. Elani's wisdom illuminates the path to healing, guiding Alex through the showers of her emotions towards the blossoming of hope and self-acceptance.

Join us in this heartfelt exploration of healing, as Alex learns that sometimes, the most profound transformations occur not despite the rain, but because of it.

Rainy Days, Moods, Depression, Self Care, Therapy

Check out the collection here



Lakeside Reflections

In Chapter 6 - Lakeside Reflections, Alex's ventures off to a secluded retreat, where she can pause, continue to heal, and continue on her journey of self-reflection.

As she navigates the quiet solitude of her surroundings, each gentle ripple on the lake’s surface inspires her to explore the depths of her own thoughts and emotions. Here, amidst the soft whispers of the forest and the reflective clarity of the water, Alex finds the space to confront her inner challenges and rediscover her strength. This chapter reveals the transformative power of nature, offering Alex a sanctuary where she can heal and grow, reflecting the peaceful yet profound journey back to her true self.

Reflection, Hiking, Camping, Lake visit.

Check out the collection here



Hot Summer Nights

In Chapter 7 - Hot Summer Nights, the city’s summer heat brings summer festivities, new experiences and a spark with someone new.

The carnival is in town and Alex, feeling nostalgic, heads in for an evening of fried food, fluffy animals, and dazzling fireworks. During a dancing demonstration, Alex bumps into Marco, who is also dancing the night away. Charmed by his laughter and clumsy yet endearing dance moves they exchange numbers. As the summer heat intensifies, Marco and Alex find refuge in the cool comfort of a movie cinema, where shared moments deepen their bond. They decide to return to the dance floor and join the Latin Ballroom classes, where each step brings them closer together.

Check out the collection here

Meet Alex, the heart of our ‘Chapters’ story, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and unexpected adventures. As you journey alongside Alex, you’ll meet people from all walks of life, each offering their unique wisdom and life lessons. This experience is more than just a story; it’s a shared adventure where you're invited to embark on your own journey of self-discovery with her. With every month, we’ll be bringing new storylines, heartfelt connections, and of course, lots of planner goodies

Write some content about what they says about your store.
I'm very excited to start this decorative journaling adventure with Alex in the new year. While my “planner” will stay digital, journaling with Chapters is going to be special.

Nina Rose

These upcoming changes are exciting and innovative! Pat yourselves on the back, youve done a wonderful job! Im so excited for you!!!!!


This is honestly the greatest idea. I have been a subscriber since Dec 2018, as much as financially able (thats 5years )! 5 years of watching your lives, through great times and hard times, of seeing your art develop, seeing PA grow and try things, and I have to tell you I am so very very excited about this avenue you have chosen.
